没落予定の貴族だけど、暇だったから魔法を極めてみた~クリスはご主人様が大好き!~, Botsuraku Yotei No Kizoku Dakedo, Hima Datta Kara Mahou Wo Kiwamete Mita ~ Kurisu Wa Goshujin-sama Ga Daisuki!~
Chris, a werewolf girl, is very busy every day with her favorite master, Liam!She works for the country with Shinryu-sama and other familiars, swims in the sea, walks in the mountains, takes a bath, takes a nap...Today, as she is coddling on her master's lap, she doesn't seem to be worried about what she should play with next.We are bringing you Chris-chan's warm and fun everyday life!
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